Thursday, April 28, 2011


As I have mentioned before, I work at a very small school in southern Idaho (approx. 250 students k-12).  As such, most of the students in my music and theatre classes are also involved in other activities (BPA, athletics).  Whenever there is an off-campus activity, there is little point to continue rehearsals with well under fifty percent of my class absent (today happens to be one of those days, hence I am catching up on my PLN posts).  In lieu of regular rehearsal, provided there are no logistical issues that need to be addressed in class, I show educational, musical videos, and we discuss them in class.  I shortly ran out of videos in my personal stash at the beginning of the year, so I now utilize my personal NETFLIX account to find appropriate educational videos for my class when we are few in numbers.  Perhaps this is not the most effective use of time, but it provides for some great class discussions and gives me some wonderful insight into my students’ intellects.


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